February 19th - March 24th, 2016
An exhibition of work by
Stephen Germana & Sarah Knudtson
About the artists

Stephen Germana
Regardless of the particular discipline I'm working in, I appreciate the aesthetic of complexity and the concept of maximalism. I employ random processes aided by algorithmic software and an improvisational performance practice that balances between noise, drone and my background as a classically trained performer of stringed instruments.
Described less abstractly, I perform experimental music, which often includes improvisation, is sometimes processed or prepared using computers or electronics (homemade and consumer) and may feature traditional scores or alternative methods of notation. I build instruments and other objects for installation, performance, radio, and for works of inhuman duration. I program algorithmic video installations using similar methods and resources.
I teach Fine Arts in South Florida. Current and past subjects include Art and Design, Art History, Media Studies, and Music Theory
To listen to or purchase Autocatalytic on cassette or as a digital download -https://stephengermana.bandcamp.com/album/autocatalytic

Sarah K. Knudtson is a multidisciplinary artist who currently lives in West Palm Beach, Florida with her partner Stephen Germana and her cat Roland. At present she teaches AICE Art & Design (AS/A Levels) and AP 2D Design at Jupiter Community High School.
In her researched based practice she explores the idea of memory and memorial. She uses information culled from government, corporate and non-profit websites to begin journeys in which societal and personal memory begin to collapse. She documents these trips through the language of the tourist, using photography, consumer technology and journals.
Sarah Knudtson